Perez Design Build Remodel Blog

Design/Build vs. Architect – Which is Better?

by Jeremy Michaels

Posted on Mar 7, 2017 8:30:00 AM

When you are thinking of renovating your home or building a new one, one of the things that you need to consider is whether to hire a design/build company or a separate architect and builder. While both options have their advantages and disadvantages, hiring a single company is more advantageous than having several companies involved in the project that you have to juggle and try to bridge together.


Everyone on the Same Team

With a design/build company, everyone has the same goal and is on the same page 100% of the time. They want to exceed the client’s expectation for the project and make things as efficient as possible.kitchen_design_guide.jpg


The design/build firm manages all aspects of the project which includes all professionals involved: the designer, project managers, vendors, suppliers, and subcontractors. This greatly helps in saving time and money by giving you a single point of contact for all of your questions about the progress of your project.


On the other hand, a separate architect and builder might clash over design details, capabilities, and prolong the process overall. This could greatly affect your budget and project timeline in a negative way.


Faster Completion of the Project

Because the design/build team acts as one cohesive unit, they can anticipate and prevent potential problems before they happen. Materials and construction requirements are identified before the start of the construction, as called by the design. The building phase can start right after the approval of the residential design because there will be no bidding process for the builders.


Experts in Both Fields

The design/build firm brings experts from both fields into one pretty package for you. They have licensed architects on board who have the training and experience you need. They also have the experience in construction and understand all aspects of project timelines, vendor management, and pricing expectations. Lastly they can streamline the building process, pull all needed permits, and keep the project on budget and on schedule. They will also ensure that your construction meets industry standards and building codes.


Cost Savings

Another advantage of hiring a design/build company is they can get early input from suppliers and subcontractors, being able to adjust the design plans before they are finalized and the first hammer swings. Once the construction process has already started, changes in design and materials can be costly. The company also works with preferred vendors that provide competitive IMG_4823_newsletter_image-1.jpgpricing for high quality work, and have already been vetted to reduce the client’s risk.


The key to a smooth and successful remodeling project is to have a thorough residential design plan that is detailed and prepped for the construction process. The design/build firm can help you in more ways than one to be ready for the remodeling process stress free, and will be there for you from start to the end.

Topics: Whole House Remodeling, Home Additions, Remodeling Tips